Smart tips, techniques and ideas about solving lock and key issues. Excellent suggestions for locksmith problems.
Make sure that you purchase the right locks for your residential or commercial establishment by knowing what best products on the market are beforehand. Get the information you need by reading our wide range of quality tips below.
Placing one-inch deadbolt locks on all exterior doors is a sure way to discourage burglars. It is recommended to remove spaces between the door and frame. These spaces invite potential burglars. The placement of the hinges of the door can also affect the integrity of the door. Take down doors that have hinges outside of your house. Reset hinges inside for a more burglar-proof door.
* Glass panel windows may invite thieves to break the glass and open the door from the inside. To prevent this, glass panels should be fortified with deadbolt locks.
* Window break-ins can be avoided by placing an alarm system. Burglar-proof glasses should be able to withstand force.
* For window locks, drip solder on the screw heads to discourage thieves from unscrewing it, as suggested by the professionals at Locksmith Reseda.
Official statistics show that intruders prefer homes with minimum security systems because they can gain access easier and faster. So, the experts of our locksmith service in Reseda advise you to get the best possible security door locks and repair them often for higher security.
You must make sure the strike plates are made of strong, solid steel and have four screws instead of two. You must also make sure the screws are at least three inches long to secure properly. This way, the door lockset will be more secure.
Children mustn't play with keys not only for their own safety but also for home security reasons. They might play and then toss them. Consequently, you might get locked in. They might use the transponder key to start the engine. The odds aren't in their favor.
It is important to have a secure place around the home or office to keep important documents, jewelries, and other valuables. Cabinets and safes are most ideal but make sure that they are installed with top-of-the-line security locks to be truly valuable. Our locksmith specialist Reseda will be able to offer you options and relevant advice to maximize the use of cabinets and safes.
Duplicate your car key in case you lose or break the original. Our locksmiths will do this perfectly and at a lower cost than car dealers.